In late September 2012 I was able to drive the Woodie to Laughlin
for the annual Roddin' on thr River show. The interior work
has not started so I think I have cardboard panels on the inside.
This picture includes my 34 Coupe alongside the Woodie.
This picture from 2015 shows everyone relaxing in the late
afternoon sun..
I rarely do car shows. But I enjoyed Roddin' on the River and
attended it from 1997 to 2017. Most years, that was the only
car show I attended. In 2015, the Woodie was selected as one of the
top 3 cars at the show and was included on the T-Shirts for 2016.
I probably spent more on T-Shirts than I did building the car.
Not really. Not even close. But I was beyond proud to be
Here we are back at Roddin' on the River in 2016, having a great
time Cruising. The reason I liked this show was it had a
completely fenced in show area with security. And it allowed
me to drive the car 5 hours each direction. I love driving my
My new favorite show is the Woodies in the Valley show in Visalia.
This picture was taken in 2015 after the cruise.